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We're here to make your customers look forward to answering your calls again.

Fraud is a problem, especially for enterprise businesses that rely on outbound calls to share critical information with their customers. From healthcare to legal services to financial services and beyond, establishing trust is mission-critical if your enterprise business makes any outbound calls. That's where NumHub comes in. Our suite of tools helps you identify and mitigate fraud, establish your trusted call path with carriers, and deliver your brand to your customers so your calls are answered more frequently. 

Our solutions offer a clear path to restoring trust and building your brand with your customers by empowering enterprise businesses to take control of their phone numbers, implement rigorous fraud protections through issuing Stir/Shaken Certificates, and delivering verified branded call ID to the end user. Imagine your logo showing every time you call a customer. How much more do you think they would they answer?


Who is NumHub's solutions for?

Healthcare Providers

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Financial Institutions

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Law firms and Legal Services

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Any business making calls

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Our Solutions for Enterprise Businesses

Make your customers look forward to picking up your phone calls again!

  • Phone Number Ownership

    It all starts with taking authoritative ownership of your phone numbers, which grants you regulatory permission to access all the other solutions.

  • Fraud Monitoring

    See fraud (spoofing and vishing) happening on your phone numbers in real time and gain access to our integrated partner marketplace to mitigate it.

  • Onboarding and Vetting

    As an onboarding agent, we help you verify your ownership and identity to issue your own Stir-Shaken certificate, authenticating your calls to the end user.

  • Branded Call ID

    Have your logo rendered on the end user's device to build your brand, establish trust, and increase the number of phone calls your customers pick up.

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