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NumHub, Formerly Known as ATL Communications

Our story begins in 1984 with the breakup of AT&T and Bell Labs and the creation of the FCC.

Founder Aelea Christofferson, who previously worked for AT&T, was a pivotal advocate for creating a system in which businesses could retain control of their toll-free numbers. The vision was businesses holding authoritative ownership of their numbers, resulting in toll-free number portability and vendor neutrality. This relied on the establishment of Responsible Organizations (RespOrgs), who were granted to the national toll-free database (TFNRegistry). The FCC granted control of this registry to the private entity of SOMOS, who then certified RespOrgs to use it. 
An industry change of this size took years to design and implement. 

NumHub (originally ATL Communications) began business with the launch of the ATLaaS product. The ATLaaS product simplified the use of the TFNRegistry and made RespOrg-level control of telephone numbers cost-effective and accessible. Most importantly, this access to the TFNRegistry puts the control of routing in the customers hands, by allowing them to pick and choose what carriers have their traffic. Or, in the instance of an outage, businesses can create plans for redundancy that guarantee constant uptime. ATLaaS grants businesses RespOrg capabilities ATLaaS empowers customers with authoritative ownership of their phone numbers, allowing them carrier-neutrality, access to define identifying information, and accurate reports on their TFN inventory. 
When we saw the power of granting authoritative ownership of toll-free numbers, we realized the value in simple and accessible systems for number management. So, we thought: why not tackle local numbers, too? 

This led to the development of PortControl, a platform that takes complex local number porting and makes it easy. PortControl eliminates the need for multiple log-ins when it comes to number porting. Instead, you can easily port-in or port-out numbers from one platform. 

Our platforms promise freedom, control, and empowerment when it comes to your number management. 

Get authoritative ownership of your phone numbers with our help today.