NumHub Learning Center

Webinar Re-Cap! Optimizing Phone Number Ownership with Emerging AI & CX Trends

Written by Makayla Allen | Oct 7, 2024 3:12:14 PM

In our recent webinar, NumHub Director of Sales Drew Andersen and InflowCX CRO Mike Dolloff discussed the vital topic of optimizing number ownership amidst emerging AI and customer experience trends. They highlighted the common question from customers: "What’s next after gaining authoritative ownership of phone numbers?" The discussion emphasized the challenges businesses face in implementing effective strategies.

If you missed this insightful session, we encourage you to watch the recording to gain valuable knowledge and strategies for enhancing your business communications. 

(A transcript of this video is available further down this page.)


Video Transcript

Drew Andersen: Thank you all for attending. Really excited to spend time with you today to talk about optimizing your number ownership with emerging AI and CX trends. You know, we get a lot of inquiries from our current customers and we are recording this session. So we will be sending out a copy afterwards, but we get a lot of questions from people who come to us once we get them authoritative ownership of their numbers, they say, "Now what?"

And here at NumHub, we've rebranded recently. If that might be news to some of you, but we specialize in giving enterprise businesses and contact centers authoritative ownership and control of their valuable numbering assets. There's all sorts of benefits to that. We won't go into that too much because I know a lot of you today are customers who have joined. So thank you for your business and your partnership and just a few updates I wanted to share with you that we are launching here soon.

Mike Dolloff: If you're a current RestOrg customer, really excited things are coming. You've got security and info seek people, you've got IT and infrastructure people, and you've got kind of business people, right? Contact center operations, customer service, etc. That's a lot of people and you need to get stakeholders together. So obviously these are errors. We help, but those are things that for companies are friction points like, "I don't know where to start."

Drew Andersen: Yeah.

Mike Dolloff: I don't know how to. I know I need to do this. I don't know where to do it. My CEO says they went to this conference, or they read this great article in Forbes and we need to do this. But from the idea to the action is a lot of messiness. How do I go?

Drew Andersen: I hear you. Yeah, which is a perfect segue for those attending today. InflowCX was gracious enough to share with you and offer you a complimentary AI impact assessment to help you cut through that noise. So Mike, maybe you could explain a little bit about what goes into that?

Mike Dolloff: Yeah. I think the biggest challenge we see is people don't know where to start or how to prioritize this. I know this sounds good. I love the ideas of that. I could see the impact but if I do this, is that the right thing or is this a better thing? What we typically do is like a service we typically offer for you know, it's 10 grand, 15 grand in that range because it's quite a bit of time on our end. We will basically take a sample of interactions, a representative sample of voice or digital interactions. So that gives us data on what your customers are calling about, what they're saying, what's their tone, and what are all these components to the customer side of the equation.

And what's the agent doing? Right? So you can measure things like how much time are they putting people on hold and breaks into conversation? Maybe there's agent assist, and you can measure all of that and say based on all this data, where do we have use cases? Maybe for self-service or agent assist, or maybe there's QA and analytics opportunities, and there's usually a mix of those. But then what's the level of effort doing some of those things? You can kind of find that right intersection of impact and effort and then go from there. That's a place that we've helped a lot of customers sort of start on a path. At least they're like, "Good, now I've got some data and confidence in what I'm doing. I know I can do any of these things and it will be positive, but is it a lot of work or is it a lot of cost or a lot of risk?" Now you can get some confidence that the effort is on the lower end of the scale, hopefully in the impact is on the higher end of the scale.

And start somewhere because this is very much a journey. This is something that we talked about with Drew. A lot of customers are benefiting from this. Let's talk about this, too. If you're like, "Hey, this is cool, this is shiny," or "start," this would be a great place to start. We can give you kind of an example of what this looks like and walk you through a readout. Again, we're doing this complimentary for customers with the NumHub team because we've had great success driving value for our customers, and this is kind of another step in that journey together, as companies working together.

Drew Andersen: So I'll pass it back to you, Joe. I don't know if I probably butchered that, but that's what it is.

Drew Andersen: Yeah. No, that's great. I mean, what an amazing offer. I know a lot of our customers will be looking to take advantage of that. We will be sending out follow-up communication to this webinar. Please reach out to myself or anyone on our team about this offer. We can connect you with the team over at Infos to get that started, but it looks like we're pretty much wrapped up here on time. Again, thank you all for coming, Mike. That was super insightful. Thank you so much. Can't wait to have you on future webinars to learn more, 'cause we could spend a lot of time on this, but thank you all for attending today. We look forward to connecting with you soon.

Mike Dolloff: Thanks, guys. Yeah. Thanks, Drew. Bye everyone.

Drew Andersen: Have a great one. Take care.